Together we accomplish more
Jerry Anderson, Impact Solutions of the Triad, and Joe Budd, The Budd Group

Working together toward a common goal is one of the best ways to achieve success in many aspects of life. Jerry Anderson and Joe Budd are doing just that to create employment opportunities on the east side of Winston Salem.
Anderson, founder of Impact Solutions of the Triad (IST), started his organization in 2018 to assist those who have a hard time finding employment due to past legal troubles, those recovering from drug abuse and those who have never been employed previously. IST offers jobs in areas such as landscaping, custodial services and contracting.
Anderson and Budd met at a New Canaan Society meeting. Anderson spoke with Budd, who is the CEO of The Budd Group, about the high number of contracts The Budd Group has in the eastern portion of the city, which takes away opportunities for smaller business owners such as Anderson.
“One day we chatted in the parking lot and he told me about his business and how he takes guys from everywhere to teach them skills and give them employment,” said Budd.
Instead of responding defensively, Budd decided to share one of his contracts with Anderson to assist in his efforts and the relationship was born from there. Anderson also shared with Budd his need for lawn care equipment. Anderson asked if Budd had any used equipment he could spare, but Budd chose to purchase a new mower for Anderson instead.
“I prayed about it and thought about it and talked to my wife and she and I agreed that it would be a great targeted gift to purchase his company a riding zero turn mower,” Budd said. “I didn’t want him to have a used mower, because he doesn’t have a mechanic, so we decided to just get him a new mower.
“I grew beyond the mower,” Budd continued. “We have hired Impact Solutions of the Triad to be a business partner of ours. Jerry can hire people that I can’t hire, so it has been a really good partnership and Jerry and I have talked about more ways we can work together and grow this relationship.”
Both men acknowledged they are aware of the civil unrest that has been happening around the country. They stated they just want to do their part to assist with racial harmony here in Winston Salem.
“I think that in this quantum shift that the globe is undergoing right now, it’s really encouraging to see what is happening in our city,” said Anderson. “To not see buildings burning, but to see people black and white, walking and talking together is so encouraging. I am excited as I can be to be a part of a paradigm shift and these kind of relationships are exactly what people need to know about, because there are other companies that can impact economic mobility in East Winston the same way The Budd Group can.”
Anderson and Budd feel as though their partnership can be an example for others to follow suit and believe the business relationship the two men have can impact more lives than just writing a check to an organization, because it directly impacts the community in a positive way by providing jobs to those who may not be able to otherwise find employment.
“I think it is good to get out of your comfort zone, where it’s really easy to write a check and walk away,” said Budd about setting an example for other large companies. “You have to make yourself vulnerable, take some risks and see what God will do.”
Anderson added, “We are going to get the word out and I am just so grateful to The Budd Group for giving us an opportunity to not only employ people, but for other people to see what our guys can do. Our men are on the outside of the employment paradigm and we want to see people work so they don’t have to steal.”
For Anderson, this is a great way to expand his reach in the community. His goal to impact East Winston economically has been his mission for nearly two decades.
“It really makes me feel like I’m giving back some of the ways that I took from my community and now this gives me an opportunity to give back and to help people who have had some of the same kinds of issues I have had in my life,” Anderson said about his joy for helping others. “I just feel a kindred spirit with those who are distressed.”