WSSU chancellor, 600 youth package meals for needy
In above photo: Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) Chancellor Elwood Robinson, third from left, joins about 600 Lott Carey Summer Camp teens as they package meals for Stop Hunger Locally and Globally on Wednesday, July 1, at the Anderson Conference Center on the campus of WSSU. (Photo by Erin Mizelle)
Special to The Chronicle
Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) Chancellor Elwood Robinson joined about 600 teens from the East Coast as they packed more than 100,000 dehydrated, high protein and highly nutritious meals for local agencies and the hungry in developing countries worldwide on the morning of Wednesday, July 1.
The young people were taking part in the 61st Annual Lott Carey Youth Seminar, which is designed to empower young people to make a missionary impact worldwide.
The 600 mostly teens were visiting WSSU from the District of Columbia and seven states (N.C., N.Y., N.J., D.C., MD., PA., VA) for a week of serving, learning, worship, and fellowship.
The Annual Lott Carey Youth Seminar promotes community impact, biblical study, dynamic worship and Christian fellowship with new generations of leaders for the world.
Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest N.C. and the Salvation Army of Winston-Salem will each get 5,000 meals.
The other 90,000 meals will be distributed globally.