2018 golf academy set

From June 18 to Aug. 2, the Winston Lake Golf Course will hold the Earnest Morris Junior Golf Academy. Sessions will be every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to noon.
The camp is geared toward kids ages 8 to 16 but the academy will take younger kids who are mature enough to handle the camp.
Julius Reece, Winston Lake golf pro who has worked there for the past 10 years, says he enjoys holding the academy because it introduces golf to kids who have never had the chance to pick up a golf club.
“We will have all golf-related activities in the program and we teach them golf and let them utilize the golf course,” he said. “Most camps just have their kids go to the range, but these kids will have the opportunity to actually go out onto the course and learn the game with experienced golfers.”
“We don’t have our kids in a classroom setting to learn the game. We are more hands on than pretty much any other golf program around here,” he continued.
Reece stated they are looking for kids of all skill levels. They welcome the kids who have no idea about the game as well as the player who has been playing for years.
“We teach them how to grab a club, the safety aspects and the intricacies of the sport,” said Reece. “We teach them from Day One to the ending ceremony, and no kid is left behind when it comes to our training.”
The program is open to both girls and boys. Reece says he loves when the camp is more diverse because it allows the kids to interact with children of other cultures.
The price for the camp is $125 for the six-week program. All equipment is provided by the course but kids are allowed to bring their own clubs. For more information on the academy, contact Julius Reece at (336) 727-2703 or juliusr@cityofws.org.