In their own words

The object of this new segment in the paper is for me to obtain the thoughts of area coaches on certain sports topics related to the Triad area and beyond. So far, the responses have been helpful and educational.
Over the last few weeks, I have received answers from not only coaches, but also parents, players, and those who are close to the game. Those responses have been very informative and I wanted to begin including some of those answers, along with the coaches, because I feel it does give a different perspective.
This week, my question to coaches was: Are kids too entitled in youth sports and if so, who’s to blame? I asked this question because I have written a column about my observations as a reporter, referee and parent and was curious about how others felt. Here are some of the responses that I received.
Brandon Moore, basketball coach
“Absolutely. For the ones with elite-level talent, they hold programs’ and schools’ hostage trying to hold onto them. School systems ignore their own rules on districting in order to allow certain students to attend certain schools to maintain those schools’ athletic prowess. Then, once you factor in the parent politics into the equation, you’ve got a clusterf*** of compromises all across the board.”
Dewarski Odom, track and field coach and former professional athlete
“Absolutely, but you can spread the blame around. The problem is nobody wants to keep it real with these kids. They cater to their needs. That’s why most of them don’t do well in college. They go to college and only be on the team for the year, then they want to enter the transfer portal and then they find out nobody really wants them. I’m straight up with my athletes; I kiss no ass bro. I know what the other level looks like and if you don’t step up, you will be back home looking for a new school. I tell my athletes all the time, it’s nothing wrong just being a college student. Everybody is not meant to be a collegiate athlete.”
Milton Parker Jr., youth baseball coach
“Yes, they are, even down to the select/travel/AAU levels. Who’s to blame? Everyone, including coaches. Parents pay money and coaches are willing to receive the money.”
Anonymous coach
“Yeah, I’d have to say that kids definitely are. Who’s to blame is the tougher question. There are several reasons why kids are the way they are now. Parents, coaches, and this era of inclusion are all to blame if you ask me. Many parents baby their kids and make them feel like the team or sport is all about them, when it’s really not. The parents act entitled themselves, which trickles down to their kids, so it’s natural for them to act that way. There are too many unqualified coaches who only care about wins and titles instead of teaching the kids the right way to play the game.
Tracey Fulp, local sports fan
I’m not a coach, but I wanted to drop my 2 ½ cents. Yes, they are and the parents are to blame. Everybody wants their kid to win, even though they don’t play well. They want their kid playing the whole game when the kid doesn’t even show up for practice. They want a trophy even though they did nothing to earn it. If all you gonna do is show up, sit in the stands. It would mean more. Maybe Jimmy wants to be on the chess team, but momma wants Jimmy to buy her a house when he graduates high school, instead of nurturing his natural talent.