

ISUPK teachers say the real Jews ‘are Black’

ISUPK teachers say the real Jews ‘are Black’
December 08
01:55 2016



The Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge (ISUPK) holds weekly classes at the Carl H. Russell Sr. Recreation Center from 7 to 9 p.m.

Ahbaraham, an ISUPK officer in Winston-Salem, said that all Blacks, Hispanics and Native Indian people are welcome to attend as they seek to just spread what they believe to be “the truth.”  He says in their classes they tackle every question from issues of the past and those of today, such as child support, the high number of black men in prison and the gentrification of urban neighborhoods in major cities all across the country.

The ISUPK teaches that Blacks, Hispanics and Native Indians are the true Jews of the Bible.  ISUPK teachers also believe that according to the Bible, Jesus Christ is a black man, not olive or a man of all colors.

Ahbaraham says, “ Every Black, Hispanic and Native Indian should know there is color in the Bible, there is hate in the Bible, there is prejudice in the Bible, and these prejudices are for one specific people, they are not for everybody.  The Bible wasn’t written for everybody.”

The history of ISUPK goes back to the freedom of the slaves in the United States. After the emancipation of the slaves, slaves began reading the very book they had been kept from reading for so long, which was the Bible. While learning the truth of the Scriptures, they also migrated north, forming synagogues to learn the Bible.

These ex-slaves passed the “truth” on to some in Harlem, N.Y.  As their brothers started spreading their message in Harlem, Ahba Bivens was one of the brothers that came up through their ranks.  Bivens, who started a school in Harlem, was murdered for his beliefs.  Three brothers who followed him started a new school and joined with four more brothers who came up strong in the “truth,” forming what is known as “The Seven Heads.”

The Seven Heads continued to teach throughout the ’70s and ’80s.  Around 1982-83, a young man became like a son to these men and that young man is Commanding General Yahanna.  He continues to carry on what Bivens taught and never changed the doctrine of ISUPK. The message has stayed pure since 1969 and Yahanna is still in command to this day.

“All these religions that Blacks, Hispanics and Native Indians flock to are lies and the Bible is the truth and we should get back to the truth of the Bible. We should come back to the laws of the Bible, which the Christian church teaches us is basically done with,” Ahbaraham said.

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Timothy Ramsey

Timothy Ramsey

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