Photo by Tevin Stinson CHRONICLE STAFF REPORT Last week the American Heart Association encouraged people to lace up their sneakers and get moving on Wednesday, April 5, during National Walking
Tag "campaign"

SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE The Winston-Salem Police Department is launching its spring recruiting campaign with a series of television ads that will air on WFMY during the ACC Tournament, which

Photo provided by NC Policy Watch David Zonderman Guest Columnist Four strategic recommendations for dealing with a Trump presidency. We have been somewhere near here before – Reagan in the

The campaigning is over. Now, the path to governing begins. Donald Trump campaigned vigorously by calling people names; vowing to cut freedom for undocumented residents, especially those of Mexican descent;

BY TIMOTHY RAMSEY THE CHRONICLE Josh Stein, Democratic candidate for Attorney General, visited the Ministers’ Conference of Winston-Salem and Vicinity

Photo by Todd Luck BY TODD LUCK THE CHRONICLE Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Deborah Ross campaigned in Winston-Salem, stopping by

Photo by Tevin Stinson Former President Bill Clinton discusses college affordability during a rally held at Wake Forest University on

No Excuses To the Editor: A participatory democracy demands active participation from its citizens. Voting is the primary means that