

Women’s conference strengthen bonds at local church

A young woman prays during the praise and worship portion of the conference.

Women’s  conference strengthen bonds at local church
November 03
02:45 2016

Photo by Timothy Ramsey



The women of Transformation Ministries held their annual Women’s Conference this past Sunday. The day included choir singing, a dance ministry and guest speaker Pastor Regina Harrell. The church also gave away gift cards throughout and served dinner afterward for those in attendance.

Mother of the Church, Marcella Hauser, said she loves doing things for the Lord and loves being a part of the conference.

“What I hope is that just one soul comes to God,” said Hauser.  “People go through life and experience many different things and they don’t realize all they have to do is seek the Lord and He will be there.

My desire is to do things for the honor and glory of God.”

This is the fourth year the conference has been held at the church.

Pastor Harrell is a native of Winston-Salem.  She is the CEO and founder of Myrtle Tree Ministries, with active leader-ship in The Kingdom Purpose Church and H2TKO-Heels, Harley’s and The Kingdom Outpour Women’s Ministry.

She is quoted as saying, “In my life, I’ve known loss, I’ve known pain and suffering and I’ve known failure.  But through all these things I have encountered the unwavering, unconditional love and power of Jesus Christ.”  Her message to the women Sunday afternoon reflected her quote.

When asked what inspired her message she said, “Pain, my personal experience with pain from the time that I was first invited up until now,” said Harrell.  “I have had a very personal endeavor with pain and I didn’t know how I was going to deliver it today but after going through what this year has held, it has all come together perfectly.

“You have to push and you can’t give up when you are in the middle of depression.  You can’t give up because everything is falling apart, you can’t give up because your heart is broken, you can’t give up because people walk out on you and I want them to take away victory and freedom and perseverance because that’s where your purpose is,” Harrell said of what she wanted to convey in her message.

Head pastor Bishop Stephone Samuels says without the women there would not be a church.  He says the women have stepped up to the forefront when the men have come up short.

“It’s a blessing and plus by them being renewed and refreshed, it helps them to be what God wants them to be,” said Samuels.  “Seeing the women coming together as one from different denominations and churches helps a lot because the churches are somewhat divided.  But the Bible says where two or three gather in His name, there I am in their midst, so that is so important in this day in time.”

Church First Lady Sandra Samuels added, “I want the women to release the pain and the hurt that they have experienced through life and let them know that they can make it if they put God first in their life.”

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Timothy Ramsey

Timothy Ramsey

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