Church celebrates revival amid nature

For the past five years, the Nehemiah Worship Center congregation has been celebrating revival in a unique way: holding a “Revival on the Lawn,” where they hold services during revival outside instead of in the sanctuary.
The Rev. Paul Thombs and the Nehemiah congregation closed their three-day revival with a service joined by Union Chapel Baptist Church. The Rev. Konnie Robinson, senior pastor of Union Chapel, delivered the sermon Thursday evening.
The service was blessed with wonderful weather that was not too hot for everyone to enjoy. The Rev. Thombs says the idea for holding revival outdoors was mainly due to not having enough space to house everyone during the revival period.
“When we came into this setting and started our ministry, we knew if we had revival inside we would not have enough space, and it also took me back to our ancestors, when they used to have brush harbors and they had all of their church services outdoors,” said Thombs.
“When I got here, I just thought to myself ‘well we could just have revival on the lawn’ and from there we started having them outdoors,” he continued.
According to Thombs, the revival continues to grow year after year. The three-day revival one of the best, Thombs stated.
Thombs says he enjoys having the revival outdoors because it gives his congregation a chance to just enjoy nature. The church sits on several acres of land, which gives them a chance to enjoy the service without any ambient noise from cars or other people.
“I enjoy the air and the fact you are not confined to padded seats,” he said. “After these three nights, we all go home and sleep well because the night air is just so peaceful.”
Robinson delivered a message titled “The Best Escape Route For A Believer,” in which he spoke about how God gave all of his believers an escape route to heaven by the sacrifice made by Jesus when He died on the cross for our sins.
“I came tonight to tell everyone that we too every now and then find ourselves in need an escape route,” said Robinson. “We can get to the escape route or a safety place by believing in Him.”